Submit a Feed
FRAMINGHAM.NET is always looking for good sources of local news and information.
If you operate or know of any blogs, online news services, websites of any kind which
provide frequently updated content in RSS, Atom or other XML format, please submit
either a link to a feed, or a link to page listing all available feeds for that source.
About RSS Feeds
While our software does the best job possible with any valid RSS, Atom or other
XML feed, (and even some "not so valid" ones), if you run a blog,
website or other online resource with RSS syndication enabled, you should
check that your feed(s) is/are functioning properly and distributing the
information you want to publisher.
Most sites publish at least a "Latest News" feed, this should (minimally) contain
feed identification data, (you may be able to configure the Title/Name of your feed),
and the following for each item in the feed:
- item => title
- item => content
- item => link
- item => pubdate
Note: Check your feed's publication dates to be sure newest articles are being placed at top of feed.