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for Framingham, MA USA

Framingham Community

The following articles are from Framingham community blogs, websites and other online resources.

FPAC-TV: Framingham Public Access

  • Published: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:01:24 +0000
    Hello world! - Welcome to After you read this, you should delete and write your own post, with a new title above. Or hit Add New on the left (of the admin dashboard) to start a fresh post. Here are some suggestions for your first post. You can find new ideas for what to blog about by […]... [read more]

Amazing Things Arts Center (atac)

  • Published: Wed, 09 Feb 2022 21:14:40 GMT
    Taking Action from a Place of Strength - I have important news to share about ātac and our 2021-2022 season. After careful consideration, the Board of Directors and I have...... [read more]

  • Published: Wed, 19 Jan 2022 14:01:02 GMT
    Public Art: Many Cultures, One Heart - The newly formed Framingham Centre Common Cultural District (FCCCD) is creating a public art project entitled, Many Cultures, One Heart...... [read more]

  • Published: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 14:49:43 GMT
    Reopening and Plans for the Future - It’s hard to believe that a year ago, we still weren’t aware of what was coming. Many of us have lost income, a sense of safety, and most...... [read more]

  • Published: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:00:14 GMT
    Annual Meeting January 27th - Come for the votes and the annual report and stay for the performance with Corey Laitman! I know most of us would prefer not to look back...... [read more]

  • Published: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 03:29:57 GMT
    Walk-Up COVID-19 Testing - In order to help our community stay healthy and safe, we've offered up our parking lot to the Framingham Board of Health...... [read more]

  • Published: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 19:44:54 GMT
    "Creating Our Future," tee shirt design contest! - ātac is excited to announce "Creating Our Future," a tee shirt design contest!... [read more]

  • Published: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 19:39:30 GMT
    Introducing "Process" - Process is a series of talks with artists and performers.... [read more]

  • Published: Fri, 05 Jun 2020 04:00:00 GMT
    We Stand Against Racism - We are being called to examine all of the ways we contribute to systems of oppression and form a plan to create meaningful change.... [read more]

Framingham History Center Blog

  • Published: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 14:14:23 +0000
    Volunteer Spotlight: Ruthann Tomassini - If you have ever visited the Old Academy in the quest for historical research, you have probably met our wonderful Research Volunteer Ruthann Tomassini.   Ruthann was first… The post Volunteer Spotlight: Ruthann Tomassini appeared first on Framingham History Center. ... [read more]

  • Published: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:49:32 +0000
    MARY ELISABETH “LIBBY” FRANCK ARCHIVE - The post MARY ELISABETH “LIBBY” FRANCK ARCHIVE appeared first on Framingham History Center. ... [read more]

  • Published: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 19:51:26 +0000
    Framingham History Center awarded $90,000 Cummings grant - Framingham nonprofit receives 3 years of funding from Cummings Foundation The Framingham History Center is one of 150 local nonprofits that will share in $30 million through Cummings… The post Framingham History Center awarded $90,000 Cummings grant appeared first on Framingham History Center. ... [read more]

  • Published: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 17:09:50 +0000
    Captain Simon Edgell and his Book - Originally published in the 1982 Framingham Historical & Natural History Society newsletter by Curator Stephen Herring In the collection of the Framingham History Center there is a slender… The post Captain Simon Edgell and his Book appeared first on Framingham History Center. ... [read more]

  • Published: Wed, 31 May 2023 17:18:12 +0000
    Freemasons, Eastern Star, and DeMolay Archive Finding Aid - The post Freemasons, Eastern Star, and DeMolay Archive Finding Aid appeared first on Framingham History Center. ... [read more]

Jim Pillsburys Blog

  • Recyling do's and don't's with Eve Carry -  With the holidays approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to watch the show, Do's and Don't's about recycling, we did with Eve at the library in 2023. Just when we were starting to make progress in recycling, Eve left for a job in Milford. ... [read more]

  • Huge news in the plastic recyling world - California sues Exxon over plastics pollution. A first of it's kind lawsuit accuses Exxon of lying and deceiving Americans for decades over plastic recycling. If California prevails, billions could be had by the States in fines and penalties, but more importantly, the question of weather you should recycle your plastics is over. In my opinion, ALL plastics, including water bottles and food containers and everything in between should be thrown in the trash cart. Hopefully, the plastic will be inc... [read more]

  • The discarding of books at FPS -   As many of our readers know, I was a volunteer at Dunning for the compost pilot program for most of the last school year. My job was to ensure that foreign items that are not compostable were not thrown in the compost bin. Items like plastic ware, labels, plastic of any kind, etc. Only food items went into the bin that was collected twice a week from Dunning via Black Earth.  While at the school I would check the recycle bins to see what if any non-recyclable items were in there a... [read more]

The Hamster Blog

  • Final Project Approval Signals the Beginning of the New Nobscot Village - On Thursday, February 27, the Framingham Planning Board voted to approve the long-debated mixed-use development of apartments and retail stores at the Nobscot Shopping Center site on Water Street in Nobscot village. With that vote, the village truly entered a new era of redevelopment, and hopefully, vitality as a neighborhood center. For well over a decade, residents and visitors have shaken their heads while passing by the dilapidated and increasingly vacant strip mall. Why did such a proper... [read more]

  • City Council Ushers In a New Era in Nobscot Village With Approval of Zoning Change - Just after 9 p.m. last night, Framingham's City Council voted unanimously, 11-0, to approve the new B-4 Village Zoning District bylaw for Nobscot. For the people that filled the Blumer Room in the Memorial Building for the City Council meeting, it was the culmination of years of effort by city officials, residents, and property owners, often filled with rancor, disagreement, debate, and ultimately, compromise. For a zoning change that was thought to have little chance of receiving the necessary... [read more]

  • Saxonville Mills Embraces the Community and the Future While Still Preserving the Past - The Saxonville Mills, one of Framingham's strongest remaining ties to its industrial past, has been an integral part of the north side community for nearly two hundred years. Some recent changes have greatly strengthened its relationship to the city's residents. This past weekend, I attended the open studios event at the mills. Unlike the open studios of past years, when I first moved to Framingham nearly twenty years ago, the last couple have provided access to not only the long-time artist... [read more]

Historic Framingham (blog)

  • Alexander Rice Esty - Alexander Rice Esty (1826-1881) was an American architect. He was born in Framingham and attended school at the Framingham academy on the town centre. Among other things, he designed the Moses Ellis house/building, home of the Summit Montessori school. He is buried in the Edgell Grove cemetery.... [read more]

  • Moses Ellis house - Unfinished digital drawing/painting of the Moses Ellis house. The Moses Ellis house is located at 283 Pleasant Street in Framingham. Moses Ellis had this Italianate style house built circa 1865 on land previously owned by William Buckminster. It was designed by none other than famed local architect Alexander Rice Esty. It is now the home of the Summit Montessori School. Moses Ellis made his fortune back in San Francisco as a merchant during the Gold Rush.... [read more]

  • Pike-Haven house - The Pike-Haven house sits at the corner of Belknap Rd and Grove St and marks the beginning of what is known as Pike Row (Belknap Rd to Brook St via Edgell Road). It is the only still standing house in Framingham that predates the incorporation of Framingham as a town. Jeremiah Pike built the house ca 1697 and his direct descendants (son, grandson, and great grandson) including Gideon Haven lived there, hence the name Pike-Haven for the house.... [read more]

The Blog of Bob Baril

  • LEAVING A LAUDABLE LEGACY - "Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus:  Who have for my life laid down their own necks:  unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles."  (Romans 16:3-4)Priscilla and Aquila were personal friends and ministry associates of the Apostle Paul in the first century.  You can read all about them in the Biblical Book of Acts.  It's been almost two thousand years, but they're still remembered.  They left a laudable legacy. ... [read more]

  • "WHAT did you just DO?!" -  "A soft answer turneth away wrath:  but grievous words stir up anger."  (Proverbs 15:1)It happened in a suburban supermarket parking lot.  I heard a loud, angry, confrontational female voice.  Quickly glancing behind me, I saw a blonde, middle-aged woman storming toward me."WHAT did you just DO?!" she was asking me.The genesis of what led up to that moment happened a few months earlier.  Many of you know that I'm an Assemblies of God minister - although I haven't a... [read more]

  • The Story of Jack and Allie -  "The first one to plead his cause seems right, Until his neighbor comes and examines him."  (Proverbs 18:17 New King James Version)I don't know Jack or Allie.  I've never met either of them.  But their story is quite a tale; a tale which in many respects can serve as a parable or as an allegory.  I heard about Jack and Allie from a guy I know.  He knows Jack rather well; both as a coworker and as a friend.  I'll call the guy I know "David".  None of the n... [read more]

Nature of Framingham

  • First Flowers of Spring - I haven't posted to this blog for a long, long time, but I wanted to keep up the tradition of posting a picture of the first flowers to bloom here in my part of Framingham, Massachusetts.  Here they are!  March 29, 2014! Yay!... [read more]

  • Goliath Heron! He's a GIANT HERON! - This magnificent creature is the largest heron in existence today. We saw this one in Zambia.  It is a Goliath Heron, presumably named after the giant named Goliath from the bible,  Pete caught sight of this guy, and I'm frankly surprised that my photos came out as well as they did, considering that we were in a boat at the time. Check out that bill!  It's massive!  This bird stands nearly a foot taller then the Great Blue Heron, and has a wingspan of 7 feet or more. &... [read more]

  • When you hear hooves - think ZEBRAS! - No one could resist getting excited at the sight of a baby zebra!  They are so cute and cuddly looking that they look more like stuffed animals than wild animals!  (By the way, if you are reading this and saying zee-bra, you are pronouncing it wrong.  In Botswana and Zambia, the last letter of the alphabet is pronounced "zed".  The word Zebra should rhyme with the word Debra). We saw a LOT of zebras in Botswana and Zambia, and eventually they became so familiar that t... [read more]

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